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savannah's not-so-solo 
trip to France

a Rick Steves France My Way 2024 tour  

before the journey begins: 

check out how to avoid travel mishaps 

before I left, I made a list of the  top places I wanted to experience. see it below! 

I love airports but hate planes . . . I found some things that helped make the flight bearable 


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preparer & bon voyage 

Hi! My name's Savannah. I'm 24 years old and have dreamed of going to France for a long time! This was my first trip I've ever taken completely by myself. But, as I learned along the way, I wasn't really by myself--I made a lot of new friends and memories I'll never forget! Read on for some travel tips from a newbie (including my mistakes!), highlights of the special Rick Steves' tours, and advice on how to savor your trip of a lifetime with friends old and new. 


Check out the TOUR LINK here :

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Learn from my mistakes

Don't pack too many clothes! (seriously)

You know it's bad when a helpful hotel manager jokes that you've smuggled your boyfriend in your suitcase! (My suitcase really did look like I was smuggling a body across international borders). I bumped over cobblestones, missed a subway trying to swing my luggage over the gap, and turned a noticeable beet-red hauling my suitcases through Paris. The tip I learned: bring about 5 changes of clothes and a jacket (and as much underwear and wash clothes as you want) and laundromats can take care of the rest. 

research transportation ahead of time

When I arrived in France, I was very confident in my ability to find the train/subway located in the airport. 3 hours later on a "20 minute trip" I arrived at my hotel wishing I had done some research on buying tickets! Look at a 3D map on Google Maps or read some articles about the transportation you're going to use when you land. You'll be jetlagged and kind of grumpy, so some preparation (and patience) goes a long way! 

account for jetlag

If I'm honest, when I landed in Paris and made it to my hotel, I was rethinking the whole "travel around the world" thing. I just wanted to go home and be a hobbit in a hobbit-hole for the rest of my life. I also wanted A LOT of food. After the miracle of an early night's sleep at 6pm, I awoke the next morning filled with all the excitement and rational human thought I hoped for :)  Just give yourself a little time, and you'll feel like yourself! 

Mistakes Anchor
Illustrated Map

My Bucket List 

before I left, I made a list of all the things I had been dreaming of experiencing in France. If this was a trip of a lifetime, I wanted to find all my special spots! 

1.  visit the small Little Prince boutique shop in Paris ✅  


2.  find the statue of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry in Lyon ✅ 


3. explore Leonardo di Vinci's house in Amboise!  âœ… 


4. see a Van Gogh painting in real life ✅ 
(he's my favorite artist!) 


5. visit Arles and walk in the shoes of Van Gogh ✅ 


6. go to the beach in Cannes âœ… 

Bucket List

tips for flying

so, I hate flying . . . 

Despite my wish to be one of those cool people who stride effortlessly through airports and sleep the entire time while on a plane, I find the actual flight to be a little nerve-wracking and unnatural  (and the seats mighty uncomfortable). Here are a few things that can make a flight go easier: 


* Pack light! I can't emphasize this enough! ðŸ˜‚


* Get up. Stretch your legs even though it's socially uncomfortable (you will bump into people and make awkward eye contact, but c'est la vie) 


* Watch (multiple) in-flight movies. I was a die-hard "try to sleep" person until I realized I couldn't rest. Watching back-to-back movies on the entertainment system really helped my body physically relax. 


* Drink water. I'm the worst at this, but staying hydrated helps with jet lag, headaches, and all that dry air circulating in the cabin. You may have to get up a few times, but you'll feel better overall. 


*Bring a sweater. It's cold in the cabin! 




Let's Go 

France MyWay 2024           

Savannah's Not-So-Solo Trip

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